Intense battle erupts between Military Council and KNLA in Bago Region

Intense battle erupts between Military Council and KNLA in Bago Region

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) engaged in heavy fighting with the Military Council following a joint force assault on the Natthankwin Police Station in Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Region.

Residents reported that the fighting between KNLA 3rd Brigade, along with joint forces, and the troops of the Military Council extended beyond the Natthankwin Police Station to include other locations where the Military Council had stationed its troops, such as Yaetwinkonegyi and Bonthataw areas, with the conflict lasting from 4:30 AM until the afternoon of June 6th.

A Natthankwin resident said "the KNLA launched a raid on the police station in the early morning, and shortly thereafter, the echoes of gunshots filled the air. The intensity of the battle escalated around 7:00 am and to our shock, the Military Council responded by launching air attacks around the police station, utilizing military helicopters, which caused damage to nearby homes. In order to ensure our safety, fellow residents and I hastily fled the area. The sight of fires engulfing the vicinity of the police station and the ongoing fierce fighting in the distance, left a haunting impression. Even by noon, the relentless battle showed no signs of abating”.

Around 7:00 am, three Mi-35 helicopters belonging to the Military Council were observed circling the Natthankwin area, unleashing a barrage of air-to-ground attacks at least 10 times in the vicinity of the combat zone.

Amidst the escalating intensity of the battle and the relentless shelling, the bridge spanning the Sittang River, which served as a crucial link between Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin, succumbed to the destruction.

"The bridge that linked Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin suffered a devastating collapse, rendering it completely impassable. Within moments of the harrowing sounds of helicopter gunships and the relentless echoes of shelling, the bridge succumbed, splitting in half. Consequently, the local community now relies on boats as their sole means of navigating the river, while a distressing number of residents remain trapped in Natthankwin, their escape thwarted by the unrelenting barrage of artillery and helicopter attacks”, another local told DMG.

According to a reliable source from KNLA 3rd Brigade, it has been reported that numerous residents have tragically lost their lives or sustained injuries during the ongoing conflict, while one alarming estimate suggests that over 15,000 individuals are presently displaced and seeking refuge.

"In the initial reports, there were indications of potentially 10 casualties, although precise confirmation is still pending. Given the indiscriminate artillery shelling that struck residential areas and the helicopter fire, the number of wounded individuals could be considerably higher. Presently, nearly the entire town is evading the conflict, seeking safety from the ravages of war”, the source remarked.

According to Natthankwin residents, the destruction of the bridge connecting the two townships has posed significant challenges for local travel, and severed communication channels with neighboring areas.

As of now, the Military Council has refrained from providing any official statement concerning the conflict in Natthankwin, and attempts to reach out to their spokesperson, Major General Zaw Min Tun, have gone unanswered.

Photo caption - The broken bridge over the Sittang River, a vital link between Kyaukkyi and Natthankwin.

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