Indian authorities ban anti-junta protest in Delhi

Indian authorities ban anti-junta protest in Delhi

Indian authorities withdrew permission at the last moment for a planned demonstration against Myanmar's recent execution of four democracy activists, due to take place at the Jantar Mantar in New Delhi from noon to 4:00 p.m.on 30 July.

An official from the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) National Unity Government (NUG) Support India that organised the protest said: 'Today's demonstration had already been approved by Indian’s Delhi police since 27 July. Since that day, I have been in contact with them every day. They asked for details of the protest and how many people were participating

in the protest and [the authorities said] everything was okay. But this morning [30 July], when people were gathering to go to the site of the protest, the police suddenly called us saying that they would no longer allow us to hold the protest.'

The protest leaders and some of the people who were going to participate in the protest were taken by two police cars to Vikas Puri Township Police Station to negotiate with the police, according to the CRPH NUG Support Group India.

Then the Parliament Street Police Station in New Delhi District sent a notice saying that the demonstration could not take place because it could cause problems with security, law and order and traffic regulations.

The Puri Township police officers also asked the protest leaders to sign an undertaking that no one would go to the protest site in Jantar Mantar and that those who had gathered for the protest would return to their homes, according to the protesters.

According to the CRPH NUG Support Group India about 300 people were due to attend the process.

In the end, because they had no permit, a few people briefly shouted slogans and raised placards where people were supposed to be meeting up for the protest.

This was the first time that the Indian authorities had banned anti-coup protests by Myanmar people for security reasons.

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