“I don’t not mainly emphasis on win or loss. My only ambition is to see more developments in the country.

“I don’t not mainly emphasis on win or loss. My only ambition is to see more developments in the country.
by -
Chin World

An interview with U Kyawlyan, a Chin ethnic candidate who will compete in the upper House Constituency-5 in Yangon, representing the People’s Party led by the 88 Generation Group of U Ko Ko Gyi.

Q: Please introduce yourself and the brief history of your experience?

A: I will compete for Yankin, South Okkalapa, Tamwe and Thingangyun Townships, included in the constituency-5 in Yangon Region. I was born in Phlan Township. I left Myanmar for the U.S. to pursue further education after getting a B.A degree from Yangon University. I got a Master's Degree in the US. I served as a professor at two universities there. Then I worked as a UN advisor. I returned to Myanmar around 2013. In 2018, I joined the People’s Party (PP).

Q: Why did you decide to compete in the election?

A: I agree with the policy of the 8888 movements. This is my policy. I want to build a genuine federal democratic union[TF1].

Q: Why did you decide to compete in the election in Yangon as a Chin ethnic, representing the PP?

A: I wanted to set an example that our ethnic peoples should compete in the whole country.

Q: Do you believe that you will win the election?

A: I have registered to run for the upper house parliamentary seat in my constituency. I will compete in Yankin, South Okkalapa, Tamwe and Thingangyun Townships. Other parties including the NLD will compete in the constituency. I did not pay attention to the fact whether I would win the victory or not. My only ambition is to see the nation develop.

Q: If you win the election, what is your pledge to the voters?

A: As a hotel and tourism expert, I want to promote the hotel and tourism sector. I want the country to generate income from that sector. I want to help all the people using these earnings.

Q: What is your message to the public in your constituency?

A: Many Chin people in Yangon support me. Some people contribute to the funds for election campaigns. I would like to express my thanks to all supporters.

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