HRW: Myanmar junta’s Kachin concert airstrike violates laws of war

HRW: Myanmar junta’s Kachin concert airstrike violates laws of war
The concert area following an airstrike targeting a Kachin gathering by the Myanmar junta in Hpakant township, northern Kachin state, Myanmar, Oct. 24, 2022. Photo: CJ
The concert area following an airstrike targeting a Kachin gathering by the Myanmar junta in Hpakant township, northern Kachin state, Myanmar, Oct. 24, 2022. Photo: CJ

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has released a statement following the 23 October junta airstrike on a music concert in Hpakant, Kachin State that killed at least 60 people and injured 100.

The concert, held at a base also used for military training by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), was to celebrate the Kachin Independence Organisation’s (KIO) 62nd anniversary.

According to a KIA spokesman, Colonel Naw Bu, at around 8:40 pm Sunday 23 October, two Myanmar military jets attacked the ceremony.

Local media reported that at least 60 people were killed and 100 injured, and that the Myanmar military blocked access to medical care for the injured.

Human Rights Watch believes the attack violated the laws of war that prohibit attacks from causing disproportionate civilian harm.

Human Rights Watch also called on Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) leaders to take action against Myanmar at emergency ASEAN talks to discuss the Myanmar situation being held this week and at the November ASEAN leaders summit.

It also called on the United Nations (UN) to impose a global arms embargo on Myanmar and to refer the junta to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

Elaine Pearson, the Asia director at Human Rights Watch made the following statement about the incident:

“The Myanmar military’s airstrike on hundreds of concertgoers in Kachin State is an apparent violation of the laws of war, which prohibit attacks causing indiscriminate or disproportionate civilian harm.

“Myanmar military operations in ethnic minority areas have long been characterized by a near total disregard for civilian lives and property and a failure to abide by international law.

“The military’s entrenched impunity underlines the need for an international investigation of those responsible for this attack and the many others committed by security forces since the February 2021 military coup.

“For over a year and a half, the junta has carried out grave abuses against the millions of people who oppose military rule, amounting to crimes against humanity and war crimes.

“How high does the death count need to reach before governments around the world impose consequences that will impact the junta’s behavior?

“This horrific attack should trigger renewed efforts by concerned states to enforce tougher sanctions on the junta, including cutting off its access to foreign currency revenues as well as arms and aviation fuel.

“The United Nations Security Council should urgently pass a resolution imposing a global arms embargo on the junta and referring the situation to the International Criminal Court. Southeast Asian leaders meeting this week and at the ASEAN Summit in November should signal their support for such efforts to bring justice to the victims of the junta’s abuses across the country.”

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