Hnitkayin Residents Urge the New Mon State Party to Provide Security

Hnitkayin Residents Urge the New Mon State Party to Provide Security

In Ye Township, Mon State, the local villagers and Buddhist monks urge the New Mon State Party to provide security.

On June 25th, a conflict erupted in Hnitkayin village when the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and it combined PDFs launched an attack on the police station. The ensuing battle involved both sides and in addition to the military junta's helicopter firing, The Artillery No. 317’s mortar shellings have been leading to the evacuation of thousands of Hnitkayin residents seeking safety.

Currently, the military junta troops remain stationed at the Hnitkayin village police station, causing fear among the residents and deterring their return due to the constant possibility of encountering conflict at any moment.

According to a resident of Hnitkayin, because of the conflict and insecurity in the region, they want New Mon State Party to come and take security for their villages.

"In the village, we live with constant worries. Given the situation, we hope that organizations with influence over the Mon people can provide security. On the Mudon side, the New Mon State Party is already providing security, and we wish for them to extend their support to our village too. I heard that the New Mon State Party is coming, and if they do, I believe we will experience greater security and peace," he said.

Since early July, the forces of the New Mon State Party (NMSP) and Mon National Liberation Army (MNLA) have been actively patrolling the roads and certain villages in Mon State, including Mudon, Thanphyuzayat, and Ye townships.

"We want our village to regain its peace. It's hard to fathom the reality of what's happening right now. It would be a relief if the New Mon State Party could come and witness the situation," said a woman from Hnitkayin.

Currently, the Mon people welcome the New Mon State Party's intervention and security in the situation of instability.

“The emergence of the New Mon State Party in front of the Mon people has brought them immense joy and a warm welcome. The New Mon State Party has proven their commitment through actions, not mere words. The Mon people consistently extend a heartfelt welcome to the New Mon State Party," said a resident of Mudon.

In Mon State, particularly in Ye Township, there is a severe military conflict unfolding along the Ye-Thanphyuzatay highway between the military junta and the Revolutionary Joint Forces operating in the region.

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