Gov’t and Ethnic Armed Organizations look for common ground in order to sign Part III of Union Accord

Gov’t and Ethnic Armed Organizations look for common ground in order to sign Part III of Union Accord
NCA-S-EAO’s Online Video Conference
NCA-S-EAO’s Online Video Conference

New Mon State Party’s (NMSP) Central Committee member, Nai Aung Ma Ngae, reported via his social media page, that the Ethnic Armed Organization Signatories to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA-S EAO) and the government are in the process of negotiating principles that will enable the parties to sign part III of the Union Accord.

This development emerged from an online video conference of the 10th NCA Implementation Framework Coordination Committee held today. During the video conference there was a discussion on how to proceed with the 21st Century Panglong meeting in the context of the C-19 epidemic.  

“We want to wait and see the situation in May. If C-19 is retainable (under control) in May, [we can start with some political dialogue]. We are thinking of holding a 21st Century Panglong Conference before the election,” said Nai Aung Ma Ngae.

He added that if the situation with C-19 remains uncontrollable in May and the necessary political dialogues are not possible to be held, the Hluttaw or the government and NCA-S EAO will still try to complete the negotiations for Part III of the Union Accord and hopeful sign as a tripartite pact.

“Even if [we are not able to have] the national-level political dialogue, the respective organizations will be included in the signing of part III of the Union Accord in accordance with the decisions from Joint Implementation Coordination Meeting (JICM) and The Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC). If we participate, we will obtain the federal principles under the current government, and will try to bring accountability,” said Nai Aung Ma Ngae.

NCA-S EAO Peace Negotiation Team Leader, Colonel Sai Ngin in his opening speech at the online video conference said, “for today’s meeting, NCA-S EAO members will discuss the topics that need to be added into Part III of the Union Accord, and we will find ways to hold a formal meeting with the government negotiation team.”

Discussions also focused on  ways to meet and collaborate with the government’s C-19 Coordinating Committee that is working with Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) to coordinate the C-19 operation.

The Fourth Meeting of the 21st Panglong Union Peace Conference was scheduled for the end of April,  but has been canceled due to the pandemic.  Observers to the process, pointed out the conference will not be able to convene until the end of July.

  Photo – NCA-S-EAO’s Online Video Conference

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