Full steam ahead: Kayah State eyes Balu river cruises, Loikaw night market

Full steam ahead: Kayah State eyes Balu river cruises, Loikaw night market
by -
Linn Thant

The Kayah State Hotels & Transport Supervision Department is planning to offer cruise services on the Balu stream before 2018.

The program, which will be the first of its kind in the area, is intended to attract local and foreign tourists to Kayah State, local tourism officials said.

U Linn Zaw Htut, head of the State Hotels & Transport Supervision Department (Loikaw), said the cruise will feature amenities like traditional musical performances and buffet dinners.

“We will implement [the cruise service] soon. We have submit [plans] to the state government,” he said.

According to U Linn Zaw Htut, visitors normally stay in Kayah State for only three days and two nights. Nightlife options in Loikaw, the state capital, are currently limited.

“We hope they will stay another night and enjoy Loikaw’s night scenery,” he said.

The department has also submitted a proposal to the state government to open a night market at the site of the old Loikaw cinema near the Balu stream with assistance from private companies.

U Nay Moe Aung, director of local travel agency 9 Generation Force, said most foreign tourists stay with community-based travel programs in Kayah State, and the cruise and night market proposals would help support the local tourism industry. He also emphasized that the authorities should give special consideration to environmental conservation in developing any tourism projects.

“Many cities and towns have night markets. It should be establish in our area as well. I believe it will help in developing the tourism industry,” he said. “But they need to do it systematically. They should at least consult the public to prevent waste from falling in the stream.”

Kayah State earned over K700 million in tourism revenue in 2016, nearly doubling its take of K300 million in 2015, according to official counts. The state has already exceeded last year’s tally by the end of October this year, said U Linn Zaw Htut. On the back of tourism arrival numbers that may exceed his department’s forecast of 12,000 visitors. 

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