Free Expression Myanmar: The Myanmar junta has orchestrated an “information coup”

Free Expression Myanmar: The Myanmar junta has orchestrated an “information coup”

According to rights group Free Expression Myanmar, as the world marks International Day for Universal Access to Information, the people of Myanmar face propaganda, disinformation, and secrecy under the military’s “information coup”.

It says that the Myanmar junta has devised, orchestrated and intensified a vast “information coup”  since February 2021. Their aim is to starve people of information that they need to make good decisions about their lives, for their families, and for their communities.

Free Expression Myanmar has identified what it says are the six parts of this “information coup.” These are:

1. Public information disappeared

The military has hidden what they do, including information on budgets, contracts, education, health, agriculture, justice, economics, laws, policies, and directives, among other subjects. Statistical information has disappeared or is unreliable. Widespread secrecy is likely to conceal widespread corruption. Without the transparency of public access to information, the military is unaccountable, behaves with impunity and is unrestrained from misappropriating public resources.

2. Information became a threat to “national security”

All information has effectively been classified as a state secret and a matter of so-called “national security” for the military. Asking for information from the military or any part of the military-controlled State has become high risk. Any attempt to request information is seen as deeply suspicious. Fact-checking, even on the most innocuous subject, is dangerous.

3. Information replaced by propaganda

The military’s old propaganda machine has returned. Military press conferences deny facts and create a fictional reality. Ministries have become information bunkers keeping the public out. State media publishes and republishes only information that portrays the military positively. Much of the propaganda is disinformation and contains knowingly inaccurate, misleading, or false news, facts, and allegations. Some of the propaganda appears to want to incite hostility, discrimination, or violence.

4. Private information seized

The military has not been satisfied with the amount of public information under its control, and has actively tried to seize more information, much of it private. The military has set up large networks of CCTV cameras, ordered banks to track payments, moved forward with e-IDs, and forced mobile telecom companies to collect personal information and monitor their customers.

5. Sources of independent information attacked

Independent sources of information, such as television and radio broadcasters, print media, digital media, and printing houses have been banned, blocked, and forced into exile. The Broadcasting Law and Penal Code were amended to increase possible sanctions for sharing information. A sham Press Council was appointed full of military proxies. Many journalists have been subject to violence and detained for doing journalism and trying to uncover information. Almost all journalists have been forced to operate underground or from areas not controlled by the military.

6. Internet platforms and access curbed

The military has attacked technology enabling the public access to information. Whitelisting and blacklisting policies have blocked access to large parts of the internet, including social media platforms such as Facebook. The military has announced new military-controlled social media platforms to replace global platforms. The military has set up checkpoints to check people’s devices, detaining those who have certain applications, including VPN software. The military has also increased data prices and SIM card tax in order to make accessing information expensive too.

Free Expression Myanmar says that the military’s six attacks on the right to access information have been severe but were also built upon previous failures to adequately protect the right. Before the coup started on 1 February 2021, Free Expression Myanmar’s investigations in partnership with journalists nationwide found that public officials were inaccessible, information was regarded as government property, secrecy was rampant, and any request for information was treated, at best, with suspicion and at worst, with arrest. But the then government and various State institutions did at least commit to improving. For example, by committing in their policy plan to a future law guaranteeing the right to information. Since 1 February 2021, even that commitment has disappeared under the military’s “information coup”.

Mizzima’s newsroom is pictured following a raid by security forces.

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