Four killed, several injured in the police car explosion at Tazaungdaing Festival in Kyondoe Town

Four killed, several injured in the police car explosion at Tazaungdaing Festival in Kyondoe Town

A bomb was used against a security police car at the Tazaungdaing Festival in Kyone Toe Town, Karen State on November 11th. The bomb killed four people, including police officers and left many people injured.

According to the Karen State Police, on Monday night around 8 p.m., a man driving a motorbike threw a bomb at a police car parked near the Gone-Baw market located in Ward no.1. The attack take place approximately 200 meters away from the police station.

Police Chief’s Aung Kyine, and Saw Khin Nyunt, as well as police officer Htay Win where in the car when the bomb exploded. They were sent to the Kyondoe Public hospital but all three suffered fatal injuries. Five other police officers were also injured.

A 31-year-old, U Zaw Wan who was attending the festival was also killed, and nine other civilians were injured in the police car explosion.

The Karen State police and local ceasefire groups are investigating the incident. The EAO signatory groups to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement that are in the area include; the Karen National Union (KNU), Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), the Karen National Liberation Army – Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA), as well as a DKBA-breakaway group.

The police chief in Karen State told the media that they were not yet able to confirm if the attack was linked to an armed group or not.

A Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) battalion commander was assassinated at his house located in Kawkareik Town on the evening of October 5th of this year, and no suspects for that crime has been identified.

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