Former Minister of Border Affairs from Mudon Township targeted for attack

Former Minister of Border Affairs from Mudon Township targeted for attack
Colonel Win Naing Oo, as USDP candidate in 2020 elections
Colonel Win Naing Oo, as USDP candidate in 2020 elections

According to local residents, Colonel Win Naing Oo, the former Minister of Security and Border Affairs in the former Mon State Government, was targeted for an attack with a mine explosion.

Colonel Win Naing Oo was attacked in front of his home on U San Phay Road, Ward No. 3, Mudon township, on January 15th at around 6:30 p.m.

The Mudon People’s Defense Force (MPDF) took responsibility for the attack, saying they used a remote control operated mine, which had been placed near the front door of the former Minister’s home.

According to one village resident, there were no injuries.

“There were no casualties as a result of the explosion in front of U Win Naing Oo’s house. But the car he was riding in was slightly damaged,” said the resident.

Mudon People’s Defense Force (MPDF) stated that  Colonel Win Naing Oo was targeted because he was the leader of Pyu Saw Hti and is a  major supporter of the State Administrative Council (SAC).

Colonel Win Naing Oo,  ran as a Union Solidarity and Development Party candidate for the Mudon township state assembly seat in the last 2020 election and was defeated.

Locals say some people have been arrested in connection with the attack, but details are not yet available.

Sincer the military coup, members of the USDP party in Mudon or ward Administration officers where they hold  positions have been the focus of attacks. In  2022, a copy shop located within

U Min Aung Myint’s residence, a Union Solidarity and Development Party candidate and a member of Mudon Township administration, was also targeted for a mine attack.

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