First ever meeting of Mon Middle School teachers held to improve educational policy

First ever meeting of Mon Middle School teachers held to improve educational policy

The Mon National Education Committee (MNEC) held a two-day meeting of middle school teachers on May 27 at the Mon Education Committee office in Mawlamyine.

According to Min Aung Zay, a member of the Mon National Education Committee, this is the first time it has ever been held.

“The purpose is to bridge the gap between the New Mon State Party’s (NMSP) education policy and the education policy of the Mon Education Committee. Before doing so, we also collected data, (that revealed) difficulties teachers are experiencing,” said Min Aung Zay.

The meeting was originally intended to be held at Nyi Sar camp, in the NMSP-controlled area, but due to weather conditions was held at the Education Office in Mawlamyine .

“It was a valuable discussion for teachers. They shared their strengths and weaknesses in the workplace and sought solutions from the Department of Education. It is clear what the goal of Mon education is, ”  said Mi Hlaing Non.

130 principals and teachers from the NMSP districts of  Thaton, Mawlamyine, Dawei and the party’s headquarters attended.

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