Fighting Continues in Kyainseikgyi Township

Fighting Continues in Kyainseikgyi Township

A battle between the military junta and the Karen National Union (KNU) has taken place since  2 November morning in Kyainseikgyi township, Karen State, according to local residents.

Bullets hit houses, and civilians were also injured, said the residents who heard the shootings.

A resident of Kyainseikgyi said, "We are hiding as well. The shooting hasn't stopped. Bullets are hitting the house where we are trapped."

As the fighting continues, residents have been advised to remain in safe places and avoid unnecessary travels in the town.

KNU officials made a news release that on  2 November morning, joint forces of the KNU simultaneously attacked Kyainseikgyi , Kawkareik, and military camps along the Thai-Myanmar border.

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