Fierce fighting reported between RCSS and TNLA/SSPP

Fierce fighting reported between RCSS and TNLA/SSPP
by -
Soe Thu Aung
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) troops. Photo: PNS
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) troops. Photo: PNS

According to statements issued by Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), combined troops of Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLA/TNLA) and Shan State Progressive Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) fought fiercely with troops from the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) in Panglong and Pangkaing villages in Namtu Township.

The statement says combined troops of TNLA/SSPP and RCSS fought a total of four times, near Panglong village on August 15, near Namslim village on August 31, near Mansar village on September 1 and in Panglong village on September 4.

Mizzima contacted RCSS/SSA and PSLF/TNLA to ascertain details but was unsuccessful.

A 54-year-old villager and a 24-year-old villager in Panglong were hit by bullets on September 1 in Panglong village. Villagers who have fled the conflict zone are taking refuge in monasteries and relatives’ homes, at least 2,000 people were displaced. Local people from Namsan said the road connecting Namsan and Hsipaw was temporarily closed after the fighting.

The TNLA statement also says their troops fought with Infantry Battalion 77 under Light Infantry Division 88 in TNLA 1st Brigade controlled area, near Namsone village.

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