Families Demand Urgent Release of Chin Pastor, Daingnet, and Muslim Administrators

Families Demand Urgent Release of Chin Pastor, Daingnet, and Muslim Administrators

The families of a Chin national reverend pastor, a Daingnet village administrator, and a Muslim village administrator, who are currently detained due to suspected ties with the Arakan Army (AA), earnestly request their prompt release from the custody of the Military Council.

As per family members, 62 individuals who were accused of AA-related charges were granted amnesty and released on the full moon day of Waso. However, more than 100 individuals, which include a Chin national reverend pastor, a Daingnet village administrator, and a Muslim village administrator, are still awaiting their release.

A relative of Chin national Aung San, residing in Talaing Taung Village, Ann Township, who is facing charges under Article 17-1, expressed, "He is not included in the amnesty at the moment, which has left my mother bedridden and us deeply saddened. We fervently hope for his swift release."

Among the six individuals apprehended and prosecuted over suspicions of connections to the AA from Ann Township, U Aung San was the initial person to be taken into custody.

He is a reverend pastor from Thukha Myanmar Church as well as a Chin national local traditional medical practitioner.

On October 7, 2022, U Aung San, a pastor, was taken from his home by Military Council troops. He is not engaged in politics, and the church is urging for his swift release.

In Ann Township, among the 6 people who were arrested and prosecuted on suspicion of being related to AA, except for U Aung San, the other 5 have been released after participating in the Military Council's amnesty on August 1.

Similarly, U Oo Kyaw Hla, the 66-year-old village administrator of Tat Min Chaung in Buthidaung Township, has been charged under Sections 17-1 and 17-2 on suspicion of having connections to AA. His son, Ko Kyaw Win, has also called for the prompt release of the residents currently undergoing prosecution, including his father.

"I am not only seeking the release of my father, but I also hope all Rakhine people in Rakhine State can be set free soon. I'm really happy for those who have been released now," he said.

U Oo Kyaw Hla, along with U Hamid Tu Song, a 60-year-old Muslim village administrator from Mee Kyaung Zay in Buthidaung Township, has been charged with two sections in the Township Court.

Both of them were apprehended on September 3, 2022, during their visit to Battalion 234 stationed in Buthidaung Township.

Subsequently, a Buthidaung Military Council officer filed a lawsuit against the two individuals, alleging their support for AA, and charged them under Section 17-1 of the Unlawful Association Act. While the initial filing involved only Article 17-1, Article 17-2 was later added to the charges.

Those familiar with the situation have reported that the two individuals have been called to appear in court for their hearing on August 8.

Among the over 100 Rakhine individuals who have not yet been released, there are various members of the community, including social activists like U Zaw Win from Kyauktaw Township, as well as education professionals, ward administrators, village administrators, and businessmen.

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