EU issues statement regarding the situation in Kachin State

EU issues statement regarding the situation in Kachin State

The European Union Delegation in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Myanmar have issued the following statement in relation to the conflict in Kachin State.

“Decades of conflict in Kachin state have displaced families, disrupted development, caused despair and left communities divided.

During a three-day visit to Kachin State from 21 to 23 February 2018, the EU Heads of Mission met the Chief Minister and Kachin State Government, political, ethnic and religious leaders, civil society, IDPs, aid workers and human rights defenders. We are grateful for the warm welcome and hospitality of the people of Kachin state.

The visit confirms our fear that Myanmar's transition to democracy has not yet brought durable peace and progress to Kachin state. With peace talks in Kachin stalled, the local people face continued human rights violations, loss of lives and dignity, lost opportunities, land grabbing and an unsustainable and inequitable exploitation of Kachin's natural resources.

We call on all parties to the conflict to cease hostilities and offensive operations and fulfil Myanmar's obligations under international law to protect civilians and non-combatants. Only progress towards a political agreement on Myanmar's future constitutional settlement can ensure lasting peace.

The EU is one of the international witnesses to the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. The EU supports peace and reconciliation projects across Myanmar with 68 million euros and provides humanitarian aid to people affected by conflict. We call on the security agencies to lift existing restrictions on the delivery of impartial and necessary support by the international community to communities in need.”

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