Escalating Tensions Near Putao Township Spark Concerns of Further Displacement for Residents

Escalating Tensions Near Putao Township Spark Concerns of Further Displacement for Residents

The residents in the vicinity of the town of Putao are apprehensive about the possibility of having to evacuate once again, due to the ongoing tensions between the Military Council troops and the 4th Battalion of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).

Since March 21, approximately 120 troops from Machanbaw Infantry Battalion 137 and 138 have descended to Longshayang. Additionally, after March 15th, a Military Council column consisting of more than 100 troops that came up from Myitkyina arrived near Longshayang and Phatmar villages.

"The troops that came up from Myitkyina came up to Putao in 3 columns. Those troops couldn't pass Putao either. If they pass, the KIA-PDF forces are intercepted, so the Military Council troops are hiding around the village. That's why our residents are worried that the fighting will happen again like last year," a resident of Longshayang told KNG.

The column that came up from Myitkyina and the military council column that came down from Putao have a total of more than 200 troops and are currently stationed around Longshayang and Phatmar villages.

On March 14, the Military Council column that originated from Myitkyina faced at least six attacks by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People's Defense Force (PDF) in various locations such as Myitkyina township, Tiyangzug, Maihtaung, Sutkhar, and Kawarpang in Sumprabum township.

Due to the impact of previous battles on their forces, the Military Council was stationed in Longshayang and Phatmar villages. On March 20, reinforcements were called from Putao and Machanbaw to expand the military force once again.

Currently, both sides are closely monitoring the situation, which has caused concern among the locals who fear that they may have to flee the area again due to the possibility of further fighting.

On March 20, at around 10:00 p.m., Mularsheedee Infantry Battalion 138 fired artillery shells indiscriminately at the location where the KIA and PDF could be, so three artillery shells exploded in the vicinity of Phatmar village, another local man said.

"One fell in the bamboo grove near the entrance of Phatmar village. One detonated near Longsha village beyond Phatmar village. A loud sound was heard from the village. They said that some houses were slightly hit by the mines that exploded in the bamboo grove. But no one else was hurt," he said.

According to local residents, the KIA and PDF currently control the Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao highway area, which is why the military counciltroops may have entered to clear the area.

In early 2022, a two-week-long conflict erupted between the Military Council troops and the KIA-PDF joint forces in villages such as Longshayang andPhatmar. Then, in 2023, tensions became high for the first time.

On March 2nd, KIA and PDF released new regulations that the Myitkyina-Putao road section is only permitted between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm.

Additionally, trucks are required to cover their cargo with clear tarpaulin, and passengers must lower their car door glass during the journey.

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