Dr. Aye Maung allowed to resign from ANP, party source says

Dr. Aye Maung allowed to resign from ANP, party source says

According to a decision of the second conference of the Arakan National Party held in 2019, the ANP allowed Dr. Aye Maung to resign from the party, Policy Affairs Steering Committee member U Pe Than told DMG.

“The ANP has already decided to allow him to resign from the party since the party’s conference. The issue that a party member is not allowed to resign the party happened when we selected an election candidate,” he said.

When the Union Election Commission (UEC) asked the ANP if it has a connection with Dr. Aye Maung during the time he moved from the ANP to the other party, the ANP will answer that there will be no relation between the ANP and Dr. Aye Maung, U Pe Than said.

Dr. Aye Maung is the chair of the Arakan Front Party and the former ANP member U Kyaw Zaw Oo is vice chair of the AFP. They, however, did not receive an official letter to allow resigning from the ANP.

“I did not get an official letter to resign from the ANP. However, I submitted to the UEC to contest the election as a candidate of the AFP,” U Kyaw Zaw Oo said. “My opponent candidate from the ANP did not object to it and I contested in the election as an official candidate of the AFP.”

Dr. Aye Maung and U Kyaw Zaw Oo submitted their resignation letters to the ANP in 2017, and U Khin Maung Latt, U Wai Sein Aung, U Aung Thaung Shwe and U Kyaw Lwin also submitted resignation letters.

The AFP explained to the Arakan State election subcommission chair U Thein Soe about their situation that they could not resign from the ANP, said AFP vice chair U Kyaw Zaw Oo.  

U Pe Than said if the AFP sends an official letter, the ANP will send back an official letter for resignation to the AFP.

The AFP said it has no plan to contact the ANP at the moment, U Kyaw  Zaw Oo said.

After the ANP signalled cooperation with the State Administration Council, at least three members submitted resignation letters, and they will be allowed to resign from the party, said U Pe Than.

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