Cyclone-hit Rakhine communities find greater assistance from civil organizations than Military Council

Cyclone-hit Rakhine communities find greater assistance from civil organizations than Military Council

Communities in Rakhine State, which suffered significant impact from Cyclone Mocha, have expressed their reliance on aid provided by civil society organizations rather than the Military Council.

Over 1 million people in Rakhine State have been affected by the cyclone, yet the affected communities claim to have received a minuscule amount of aid from the Military Council thus far.

"The Military Council's donation of 18 cans of rice, half viss of onion, and tarpaulin sheets per household is inadequate. It does not offer sufficient assistance to the needy and impoverished. Essentially, it appears to prioritize support solely for those in close proximity”, a resident of Ponnagyun Township told Narinjara.

The Military Council provides certain villages in Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, and Sittwe townships with building materials and limited food support. However, when compared to the actual need, it falls significantly short, akin to feeding a giant elephant with small sesame seeds, he added.

Furthermore, numerous villages in Pauktaw, Kyauktaw, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun, and Mrauk-U townships remain severely impacted by the cyclone, yet they have not received any assistance from the Military Council. In these areas, the affected communities are solely reliant on food donations provided by civil society organizations for their survival.

"We haven't received any donations from the Military Council. The reconstruction and repair of our damaged buildings are being carried out with funds from generous donors. However, due to limited resources, each household can only receive 50 coconut palm roofs, 20 bamboo poles, and 2 logs as building materials. We have presented a comprehensive list of the damages to the township administration, but unfortunately, there has been no response or assistance provided”, an official of Tain Nyo IDP camp said.

Despite the international community's donation of tents, tarpaulin sheets, building materials, food, and medicine to assist the cyclone-affected people in Rakhine through the Military Council, over 20 days have passed since the storm struck, and these essential items have yet to reach the victims.

"I have gone many days without having enough rice to eat. Every time I see my damaged house, I feel a heavy burden in my heart. I can't even imagine how my family will survive the upcoming rainy season in this state. Donors have provided food, but we also need building materials. It would be wonderful if more people could step forward and donate the materials required for rebuilding”, a cyclone victim from Kyauktaw told Narinjara.

According to the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA), Cyclone Mocha, which made landfall on the west coast of Rakhine State on May 14th, caused significant devastation in Rakhine State, resulting in the destruction of 216681 houses and causing suffering to over 1 million people. 

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