A coalition government could promote peace, says NMSP Chair

A coalition government could promote peace, says NMSP Chair

The Chair of the New Mon State Party, (NMSP) Nai Hong Sar, told reporters at the fourth Meeting of the 21st Century Peace Conference, that the next general election in 2020 will result in more ethnic representatives.

Nai Hong Sar predicted losses for the NLD, and gains for ethnic groups.  He added, “If a Coalition Government could be formed, we can be more active in the peace process.”

Nai Hong Sar, commented that until ethnic nationalities do not have equal rights,  armed struggles will not likely end.

“For example, Rakhine, Mon and PaO, all of them surrendered and entered democracy in 1958, the Palaung group confiscated all the weapons in 2005, but [these groups] did not get their ethnic rights, so the next revolution broke out. Ethnic groups will have to struggle until they have equal opportunities.” said Nai Hong Sar.

Others ethnic leaders agree with his analysis. Sai Nyunt Lwin, Vice-Chairperson (1) of the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD)  who was also in attendance at the Peace Conference, noted that simply stating ethnic groups have equal rights will not diminish existing inequities.  He encouraged attendees to remedy this situation.

“I want us to view this peace conference as a means to fully implement the details of the Panglong Agreement signed in 1947. I do not wish it to be a conference that aims to overshadow and nullify the Panglong Agreement, as some people fear. I sincerely urge everyone to not allow that to happen.” Said Sai Nyunt Lwin.

Sai Nyunt Lwin concluded his speech by stressing the need to swiftly establish national reconciliation necessary to the union.  He said, “We are all aware of the economic delays caused by COVID-19 and our situation being placed between the power struggle of two geopolitical powers. It is a worrying predicament for our nation that has a lot of conflict. It is similar to diseases evading when the immune system is weak. We need to build up our immune system and the only way to do that is to quickly implement national reconciliation.”

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counselor, and the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing also delivered speeches at the Union Peace Conference held at the, National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC), in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar International Convention Centre.

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