Clash Erupts in Ywangan Township Between PDF and Junta Troops in Shan State

Clash Erupts in Ywangan Township Between PDF and Junta Troops in Shan State

Casualties have been reported in the clash between Military Council troops and People's Defence Forces (PDF) in Ywangan Township, located in Taunggyi District, Shan State.

An individual with connections to the People's Defense Forces (PDF) informed Shan News Agency   a skirmish occurred between the Military Council troops and the PDF near Kyauk Pa Choke village in Ywangan Township on September 6,.

A source close to the PDF shared with SHAN that. "Tensions have been escalating between the two opposing forces in this area for the past month. Yesterday, a sustained exchange of gunfire occurred, lasting for about half an hour and leading to casualties. As of now we have not received any official news or updates," shared a source closely connected to the PDF with SHAN.

In the third week of August, a Military Council column advancing from Thazi Township clashed with the People's Defense Forces (PDF) near Kyauk Pa Choke village, Ywangan Township, and civilian homes were burned down by the Military Council.

According to a local resident from Ywangan, besides the civilian homes being set ablaze during the clash, over 100 local residents were compelled to temporarily seek refuge in the forest to escape the conflict.

"At least two civilian homes have been burned down. Due to the remote and isolated location far from the town, obtaining information has been a challenge. The residents of Kyauk Pa Choke sought refuge in the forest to escape the conflict, but eventually returned. There is uncertainty regarding whether they had to flee again during the fighting that occurred yesterday," reported a local resident from Ywangan who was well-informed about the situation in conversation with SHAN.

Residents have also reported that the Military Council troops are carrying out military operations, conducting ground inspections, and the reinforcement of their military presence, citing the alleged activity of the Danu People's Liberation Front (DPLF) in Ywangan Township.

On July 29, the Danu People's Liberation Front (DPLF) declared its collaboration with the Danu youth and the local People's Defense Forces with the shared objective of overthrowing the military regime and establishing a genuine federal democratic union.

In the aftermath of the military coup, Data for Myanmar released a report in June indicating that, until June 2023, a total of 187 homes belonging to local residents had been burned down by the military and its subordinate groups in Shan State. This figure encompasses 20 local homes in Ywangan Township.

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