Civilians Attacked by Artillery Shells in Thaton Township

Civilians Attacked by Artillery Shells in Thaton Township

On May 14,a Military Council camp in Peinhnetaw village, Thaton township, Thaton district, a territory of Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade-1, launched artillery shells at civilian areas in the village-tract. This attack injured two people, including a 5-year-old child, and caused the death of one person.

According to local sources, during the aforementioned incident, one of the eight artillery shells fired by the Military Council exploded in close proximity to a resident's home in Tharthanarkone village, within Peinhnetaw village-tract. Tragically, a 45-year-old man lost his life, while a 5-year-old child and a 49-year-old woman sustained injuries as a result of the explosion. According to a resident, the firing of artillery shells by the Military Council led to injuries and fatalities among the people. As a result, the residents of the village felt insecure and lived in constant fear for their lives.

"When artillery shells start falling, it becomes unsafe to live and work. Some families are seeking refuge with their relatives, leaving their homes behind," a resident told KIC.

In April, over 7,000 residents were forced to flee their homes in the villages of Bilin township due to artillery shell attacks carried out by the Military Council troops. Local media reports indicate that on May 15 -16, six battles took place between the joint revolutionary forces and the Military Council troops in Ahsuchaung village and Natgyi village. These clashes resulted in the death of at least 20 Military Council troops.

 "Some villagers are seeking safer places, while those who stay behind face limited job opportunities, leading to a struggling economy and hardships in making a living. The exact number of those who have fled is still being researched," Padoh Saw Aye Naing told KIC.

On May 14th, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) joint forces conducted two droneattacks on the Military Council camp in Peinhnetaw village, resulting in the death of four Military Council troops and injuring five others. In response, the Military Council fired artillery shells,  the KNU Thaton District Secretary Padoh Saw Aye Naing stated.

On March 22, the KNLA joint force launched a drone attack on the Military Council camp in Peinhnetaw village, according to the revolutionary forces.

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