Civil War Likely to Intensify Post-Election Period

Civil War Likely to Intensify Post-Election Period

Even though the military junta plans to extend the emergency period and hold elections, the period following the elections could see an escalation in civil war, according to leaders of the Mon Revolutionary Forces.

The New Mon State Party - Anti-Dictatorship (NMSP-AD) stated that holding elections without resolving the ongoing military conflict will lead to further bloodshed and exacerbate the civil war after the elections.

"They [the military junta] are holding elections to maintain long-term power. China is also pressuring for quick elections as a political solution. However, the people do not support the junta's elections. Whether they can hold elections or form a government, they won't resolve the current conflict. Their focus on elections without addressing the ongoing conflict will only intensify the fighting and increase the bloodshed post-election," said Nai Banya Lae, Deputy Leader of NMSP-AD.

Revolutionary forces warned that the military junta’s planned elections could result in more problems than benefits.

Nai Na Gar, spokesperson for the Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), added, "Even if a new government is formed post-election, it is unlikely to follow a democratic path or grant the rights demanded by the people. They won't provide these rights. Therefore, revolutionary groups will continue fighting. The conflict won't diminish; it will likely escalate. Not only will the civil conflict worsen, but even those involved in the junta's election could face increased violence."

Amidst rising military tensions nationwide, the junta is making preparations and declarations about holding elections in 2025.

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