Chinese Gambling Den Cause Disruptions in Karen State, Complaints Hindered

Chinese Gambling Den Cause Disruptions in Karen State, Complaints Hindered

Residents in Ward 1 of Payathonzu (Three Pagoda Pass), Kyainseikgyi Township, Karen State, are facing significant disruptions due to a gambling den operated by Chinese nationals. Despite the disturbances, locals are unable to file complaints as the area is under the control of various armed groups.

Since May, thousands of Chinese nationals have migrated to Payathonzu, setting up extensive gambling operations in collaboration with local armed factions. The constant noise and disorderly conduct from the gambling den are affecting the health and well-being of neighborhood residents. However, fear of repercussions prevents them from lodging formal complaints.

Local armed groups, including the Karen National Union (KNU), Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNLA-PC), Karen Border Guard Force (BGF), and New Mon State Party (NMSP), are reportedly overseeing these gambling operations.

The presence of the gambling den has also led to a rise in thefts and violent incidents, exacerbating the residents' plight.

In Myawaddy Township, Karen State, online gambling and money-laundering operators were ordered by the BGF to leave by the end of October. This directive, issued on May 1st, prompted an influx of Chinese nationals into Payathonzu.

The Chinese nationals are entering the area through various means, including legal entry with Thai passports and paying up to 100,000 Baht each for passage via the Myawaddy-Mawlamyine-Payathonzu route, with assistance from the DKBA and BGF.

Since their arrival, official announcements in Payathonzu are now issued in both Burmese and Chinese, reflecting the significant presence of Chinese nationals.

Residents are increasingly worried about the potential economic dominance of Chinese nationals in local businesses and industries.

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