Chin Defence Force threatens non CDM workers in education

Chin Defence Force threatens non CDM workers in education

People working in education who do not take part in the Civil Defence Movement (CDM) will be punished by the Chin Defence Force Matupi People’s Defence Force (CDF-Matupi-PDF). according to a statement made by the organisation on 6 June.

The comment was made in a statement issued by CDF-Matupi on 6 June. It warned that people who do not participate in the CDM and continue to be involved in the junta’s education system would be punished for their efforts to support the military regime.

According to CDF-Matupi some civil servants working in education are associating with the military for their own self-interest. It found out that some were threatening parents to get them to send their children to schools run by the Military Council.

To counter the junta-run education system the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Board of Education will run an interim NUG-controlled education system.

In Chin State the NUG set up the (MEB) in Matupi Township on 18 May 2021. It will organise the teaching of Myanmar and English languages, math and ethnic languages at mobile schools. It will use teachers taking part in the CDM movement to provide an interim education in Chin State.

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