‘Bullying’ junta village administrators assassinated by PDF in Mandalay

‘Bullying’ junta village administrators assassinated by PDF in Mandalay

Mandalay-based People’s Defence Forces have claimed responsibility for the assassination of two junta-aligned village administrators who had been threatening villagers under their administration.

The Natogyi Regional People’s Defense Force (NRPDF) announced on 16 August that the Military Council-appointed administrator was shot and killed in Thapyaywa Village, Taungtha Township, Myingyan District in the Mandalay Region.

Kan Tun, the administrator of the Military Council, was killed because he bullied and discriminated against the villagers, called the army on them, and organized events to support the Miliary Council.

Similarly, Shan Lay (aka) Yan Naing Soe, an agent who controlled the Military Council-appointed administrator in Gangaw village, Nyaung Oo Township, was shot on 11 August, according to an official from NRPDF.

Shan Lay was shot because he forcibly collected electricity bills from villagers, threatening to burn down villagers’ homes, and repeatedly called in the army and displayed his authority, according to local people.

“Shan Lay and Kan Tun were shot in their houses respectively. There is absolutely no reason to accept that the people are suffering due to the terrorist Military Council,” an official from NRPDF said.

The attacks were carried out by the Natogyi Regional People’s Defense Force, Myay Lat PDF, TTA Guerrilla Force and Seven People’s Defence Force.

The killings are part of a pattern found across many areas on Myanmar where agents of the junta are targeted.

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