Artillery Shelling and Airstrikes 1 Killed 9 Wounded

Artillery Shelling and Airstrikes 1 Killed 9 Wounded

At least nine residents of Hnitkayin village,were seriously wounded from artillery shells fired by the Lamaing Artillery Battalion in near the border with Win Yay Township (Ye Township, Mon State), a territory of the Karen National Union (KNU).

Tragically, the shooting incident claimed the life of an 18-year-old woman from Hnitkayin village, while three others are currently receiving emergency medical treatment at Lamaing town

hospital. Local news sources report that the airstrikes not only resulted in casualties but also caused significant damage to numerous homes and inflicted injuries upon several residents.

"At approximately 2:00 p.m., warplanes belonging to the Southeastern Command launched an attack, followed by artillery fire from Artillery Battalion 317, targeting the vicinity of the village. As a result, both houses and villagers suffered damage. The full extent of the incident is still unclear, and further details are yet to be revealed. However, it has been reported that around 9 individuals sustained serious injuries,” a member of the revolutionary force from the frontline battlefield told KIC on June 26.

According to frontline battlefield news sources, on June 25, a fierce battle ensued between the Military Council troops stationed at the Hnitkayin village police station and the joint forces of the 27th battalion of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) near Hnitkayin village. Following the confrontation, the Military Council troops proceeded to launch airstrikes and fire artillery shells into the village during the evening.

"Before, the police station remained deserted, but now it is stationed by the military.  In the midst of the ongoing conflict, they have suffered the loss of three soldiers, with two others sustaining injuries. Our forces have suffered no casualties. Yet, our objective to capture the police station remains unfulfilled," shared a KNLA commander with KIC.

A few days prior to the battle, the 27th KNLA Battalion, in collaboration with the joint forces, issued a statement on June 10. In the statement, they urged the local population to willingly comply with inspections along the Union Highway, which connects Ye-Dawei-Mawlamyine-Yangon, emphasizing that it was necessary for ensuring the safety of travelers.

The residents of Tagundaing, Weipathea, Hnitkayin, Pulein, and Ahnankwin villages have been facing daily injuries and damage to their homes, due to frequent airstrikes and artillery shell fire by the Military Council troops attacking the KNU- controlled Yay township, and neighboring areas.

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