
February 27, 2023
KSCC Chairman U Aung San Myint said that since the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Karenni State Administrative Council formed by the Karenni State...
February 27, 2023
In the Kawthaung battle between the Military Council and the Revolutionary Joint Forces, there were casualties on both sides, and 8 members of the...
February 27, 2023
Karen communities around the world have sent an open letter calling for the resignation of the entire KNU Central Executive Committee for failing to...
February 27, 2023
Kandawgyi Lake, a major supply of water to the Arakan State capital Sittwe, is drying up, and town residents are concerned about an inevitable water...
February 27, 2023
The camps of the Chin National Army (CNA) and Chinland Defense Force (CDF) were bombed by the Military Council in Thantlang Town, Chin State. Junta’s...
February 27, 2023
On February 25th, the Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) a Central Executive Meeting was held in Kyaukphyu, and 31 party members from 10 township...
February 27, 2023
The Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) has reported the capture of a Tatmadaw military camp in a joint offensive operation consisting of the Karen...
February 27, 2023
Online reservation queue for Myanmar passport application was resumed on 24 February, but the system has not fully recovered with some delays...
February 27, 2023
Almost half of the population in the A Htet Myet Hle camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Ponnagyun Township, Arakan State, is suffering...
February 27, 2023
Deng Xijun, China’s special envoy to Burma, recently met for talks with the Kachin Independence Army, the United Wa State Army and the National...
February 27, 2023
The military regime has allowed Christians to return to the church in Hakha town on the weekend without needing permission. The situation has...
February 25, 2023
32 Rohingyas who were hiding under bamboo matting on a car were arrested in Bago Region, locals said. Dozens of Rohingyas were caught near Gway...