AA Now Controls 10 Townships in Rakhine

AA Now Controls 10 Townships in Rakhine

The Arakha Army (AA) resumed its armed resistance against the Junta, not only in Rakhine State but also in Paletwa Township in neighboring Chin State, last year on November 13.

The AA launched offensive attacks against the Junta’s battalions, brigades, and tactical command centres. Recently and the AA has defeated the most of the regime’s military forces – both artillery. infantry and logistics stationed throughout Buthidaung Township in Rakhine, by noon on May 18.The number of townships under AA control has risen to 10.                          

However  clashes are ongoing in Buthidaung as AA fighters vigorously pursue and neutralize Junta troops alongside Muslim militia coerced into fighting with the Junta..

AA has also issued a warning to local residents, advising them to remain on highmilitary alert, as fleeing enemy troops may hide in villages and specific areas within the township where they consider they will be safe.

AA has declared its victories in seizing Paletwa on January 14, Pauktaw on January 19, Minbya on February 6, Kyauktaw on February 7, Mrauk-U on February 9, Myebon on February 15, Ponnagyun on March 4, Ramree on March 11, Rathedaung on March 17,and most recently, Butidaung on May 18.

Despite its string of military triumphs AA presses on, ramping up its offensive to capture Maungdaw, Ann, and Thandwe townships.

"When observing the battlefield situations, it is evident that AA holds a clear morale advantage, with its troops fighting bravely. The Junta soldiers already felt stressed by the looming prospect of surrendering to AA, thus they opted not to mount any stubborn resistance and surrendered easily. Ultimately, it is inevitable that Rakhine's towns will fall into AA hands, one after another”, U Pe Than, a veteran Rakhine politician told DMG.

AA has also warned that it will continue to attack the Junta's battalions, brigades, and military headquarters in Rakhine State that have not yet surrendered.

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