6 Rakhine monks selected to receive International Charity Icon Award of World Buddhist Missionary Association

6 Rakhine monks selected to receive International Charity Icon Award of World Buddhist Missionary Association

(The award ceremony will be held on March 12 in Bodh Gaya, India)

Six Rakhine monks have been selected to receive the World Buddhist Missionary Association’s International Charity Icon Award.

This title is mainly awarded to individuals who are self-sacrificing and constantly engaged in social philanthropy. Maung Phone Shin (Kit Sa Pa), who is also a Buddhist monk and writer, the Myanmar representative of the World Buddhist Missionary Association, told Narinjara News.

“ The title that will be given now, is mainly given to those who work in social charity

and those engaged in missionary work,” he said.

The 6 Rakhine monks are Ashin Thabarwa Nadi, who is helping Rakhine war refugees and social assistance activities, Sayadaw U Nandar Linkara of Toungok township, Sasana Hitasasi monastery, Sayadaw of Lamu Maw village, U Thu Seikthaya from Thin Pone Chaung monastery in Myebon township, a monk from Shwe Yaung Sone monastery in Sittwe township and a monk from Thandwe township.

Ashin Thabarwa Nadi, who was awarded the title, told Narinjara that he was thrilled to be given an internationally recognized title based on social charity, and hoped that the Myanmar government would not ban philanthropic activities, as it was recognized internationally.

“ I am thrilled to be recognized not only by the Rakhine community, but also by the international community for my work. It gives me greater strength for the work that needs to be done. I also consider it would be all the more effective, if the Myanmar government itself recognizes charity work,” he said.

Among the 6 Rakhine monks, Ashin Thabarwa Nadi was presented with the Rakhine’s Flagship Award by the Ministry of Rakhine Ethnic Affairs of the Yangon Region Government on Rakhine Day on December 15, 2019, due to his social activities in Rakhine State.

The other 5 Rakhine monks are active in Rakhine social activities like Ashin Thabarwa Nadi, are expected to attend the award ceremony to be held on March 12 in Bodh Gaya, India. Other monks from various regions of Myanmar who work in social philanthropy, will also attend the ceremony and receive the title.

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