
September 8, 2023
Padoh Saw Kler Say, the spokesperson of KNU, predicted the war in the Kawthoolei areas within the territory of the Karen National Union (KNU), may...
September 8, 2023
In Lahe Township, the administrative headquarters of the Naga Self-Administered Zone, the school year is almost halfway through, but parents are...
September 6, 2023
Individuals with direct experience have reported to DMG that members of the Kaman ethnic group, who practice Islam and are considered part of the...
September 6, 2023
Police officers are facing inquiries following the leakage of reports regarding an attack on the Myawaddy District police station in Karen State...
September 6, 2023
The Shwegu-based Kachin People's Defense Force (K-PDF) conducted two drone attacks on the Myoma (Township-level) police station, operating under the...
September 6, 2023
Residents of the villages within Buthidaung and Maungdaw townships, located near the border between Bangladesh and Rakhine State, have reported a...
September 6, 2023
Dr. Ko Ko Naig, a Permanent Secretary of the Military Council, has announced their commitment to take back Rohingya refugees who sought shelter in...
September 5, 2023
Analysts suggest that the Military Council's efforts to repatriate refugees from Bangladesh to Myanmar are unlikely to succeed if they do not engage...
September 5, 2023
The residents reported that the military has not released over 20 employees who were detained from two Zin Yaw petrol stations in Phoe Chit Kone ward...
September 5, 2023
According to the Kale Township People's Police Force, three schoolteachers have been arrested for operating schools affiliated with the Military...
September 5, 2023
The Military Council's columns carried out an arson attack on public homes in Mya Lel village, Bhamo township, and local residents have indicated...
September 5, 2023
Ongoing conflicts in Karenni (Kayah) State have displaced hundreds of thousands, and those war refugees in Demoso Township urgently seek...