3 Female Students Injured as Artillery Shell Hits Hto Lwee Wah High School

3 Female Students Injured as Artillery Shell Hits Hto Lwee Wah High School

Three middle school female students were injured when the Military Council launched an artillery shell into Hto Lwee Wah High School in Taw Oo (Taungoo) District, which falls under the territory of the Karen National Union (KNU) 2nd Brigade.

According to local sources, one of the artillery shells fired by the Military Council exploded near a female students dormitory, causing injuries to three middle school students. One of the students was seriously injured in the incident.

A local source reported that the Military Council's Infantry Battalion 306, stationed at Sharsaybo camp near Yayhlyan village in Taungoo township, fired approximately 5 artillery shells indiscriminately last night, despite the absence of any ongoing fighting. Tragically, one of the artillery shells exploded near the dormitory housing female students of Hto Lwee Wah High School.

He told KIC ,"The artillery shell fell in close proximity to the dormitory where the students were resting. Among the three individuals affected, one sustained a significant injury. Another student's hand was struck, while the remaining two experienced a glancing blow to their heads. Although the individual with the hand injury was not in critical condition, the severity of the injury itself was considerable," he told KIC.

The source mentioned that due to the incident of artillery shell explosions inside the school and the resulting injuries to three female students, school officials are scheduled to meet with parents. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss whether the school should continue its operations, considering the frequency of  indiscriminate firing by the Military Council.

In the KNU Brigade 2 territory, clashes between the two sides are frequent. However, the Military Council troops have been firing artillery shells into the village indiscriminately, even when there is no ongoing fighting. Yesterday, locals reported that the indiscriminate firing of artillery shells caused damage to the homes and farms of the local people.

Hto Lwee Wah High School is currently accommodating nearly 2,000 students. This incident marks the first time an artillery shell has struck the school premises.

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