220 Nan Htike Aung attacks kill 227 junta personnel in Yangon and southern Myanmar

220 Nan Htike Aung attacks kill 227 junta personnel in Yangon and southern Myanmar

227 junta personnel have been killed and more than 200 injured in 220 missions carried out in Yangon Region and southern Myanmar as part of operation Nan Htike Aung between 8 April and 8 October.

According to an official from the exiled National Unity Government (NUG) Ministry of Defence, local people’s defence forces (PDFs) in Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Bago and Yangon regions and Mon State carried out the attacks in the first six months of operation Nan Htike Aung, which started in April 2022.

Operation Nan Htike Aung is based in urban areas and targets junta forces and anyone else affiliated with the regime, including those who support the regime financially or work as military informants.

“Nan Htike Aung isn’t like a normal operation, it’s an urban operation. It’s harder to work in big cities, especially Yangon. It’s easy to say, but in practice, your life is on the line when you are doing this work, so we can’t afford to be careless. We have to rely on undercover operations and ambushes”, said a coordinator of operation Nan Htike Aung.

According to them, of the 220 Nan Htike Aung missions carried between 8 April and 8 October, 137 of the missions were in Yangon Region and they resulted in 125 junta soldiers being killed and over 140 being injured.

Of the remaining 83 missions carried out in that period in southern Myanmar, there were: 12 missions in Bago resulting in nine junta deaths and eight injuries; 14 missions in Ayeyarwady Region resulting in six junta deaths and 13 injuries; 24 missions in Tanintharyi, resulting in and 55 junta deaths and 48 injuries; and 33 missions in Mon State resulting in 31 junta deaths and 14 injuries.

Those killed and injured included junta soldiers and policemen, members of the junta-aligned Pyu Saw Htee militia and members of the junta administration.

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