11 accused of Pathein bombings sentenced to prison terms

11 accused of Pathein bombings sentenced to prison terms

The Pathein Prison Court sentenced 11 detainees arrested in connection with the bomb blasts across Pathein city, sources close to the prison said.

The blasts occurred at Pathein Road Transport Administration office, near Pathein Hwa Po Times garment factory, and in front of the Pathein Hotel.

Ko Tun Lin Aung and Ko Khant Ko Ko Zin, young residents accused of bombing in front of the Pathein Hotel, were each sentenced to 15 years in prison, while Ko Kaung Htet San, Ko Htin Lin Oo, Ko Zaw Zaw, Ko Ko Aung, Ko Kaung Myat Zaw and a woman received 10-year prison terms each.

“Even the family members of those accused didn’t know about the verdicts. They were informed later. Now, the convicts are not even allowed to meet their families”, A person close to the family members of the prisoners said.

It has been almost 2 years since the 11 accused were arrested, and the family members understood the verdicts would be announced by the end of January.

In reality gthe prisoners have been given sudden sentences on January 20th, sources close to their family members commented. Ko Yan Naing Tun, who was arrested for photographing the inspections after the Pathein Road Transport Administration office explosion, and 2 young men accused of being suspected of the Pathein Hwa Po Times garment factory bombing were also sentenced to 5 years in prison respectively, a prison staff said.

“They were accused of being accomplices for bombing and carrying arms”, according to the prison staff.

Among those who appeared at the prison court for hearing were inmates who had been beaten and had their hair shaved for participating in prison protests, so the verdicts were imposed hastily.

The young man who took photos of the aftermath of the Pathein Road Transport administration office explosion and the two accused of garment factory bombing, were sentenced to 5 years in prison each without strong evidence, a lawyer said.

 Bomb blasts were separately occurred in front of the Pathein Hotel in Ward No. 3 on June 20th last year, near the Pathein Hwa Po Times garment factory in Kinmalin Kyun Industrial Zone in Ward No. 13 on June 11th, and at the Road Transport Administration office near the highway bus station in Ward No. 13 on 1st of June.

On June 22nd, The Military Council’s propaganda media outlets released photos of a MM KUZEY-GN-19 type pistol, a magazine, 50 bullets and 4 hand-made bombs as evidence seized in connection with the bombing in front of the Pathein Hotel.

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