10 Chinese Nationals Arrested for Entering Mon State Illegally

10 Chinese Nationals Arrested for Entering Mon State Illegally

Ten Chinese nationals were arrested on the Mottama side of the ThanLwin Bridge (Mawlamyine) in Mon State.

On the afternoon of February 20, security forces reportedly checked a green PRADO vehicle driven by Ye Win and a gray PRADO vehicle driven by Ye Win from Meikhtila Township, Mandalay Region, and a gray PRADO vehicle driven by driver Thet Naing Tun.

Ten non-Burmese-speaking Chinese nationals were found in the two vehicles.

The driver of the vehicle, Ye Win and Thet Naing Tun, who were carrying 10 illegal Chinese nationals, have been charged.

In addition, 10 illegal Chinese nationals have been charged under the Immigration Act at the Mottama area police station.

Last February 10, nine Bengalis who entered Mon State illegally through Magway Township (from Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State, to Magway Township) were arrested at the Mayangchaung checkpoint in Kyaikto Township.

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