1 billion Ks road project of AungThabyay-HninKayin goes ahead without tender based on Gov’t Group’s decision

1 billion Ks road project of AungThabyay-HninKayin goes ahead without tender based on Gov’t Group’s decision

The Mon State Government Group has approved a 1 billion Kyat project for a road to connect Aung Thabyay and Hnin Kayin villages in Lamaing Sub-township, Northern Ye Township, Mon State. State Chief Minister Dr. Aye Zan revealed about the decision at a press conference on Tuesday.

The Government decision to award the project contract to Southern Myanmar Development (SMD) is being criticized for violating tender regulation policies. According to instruction no. 1/2017 released by the President Office on May 10, 2017, government departments must conduct a tender for projects involving construction, material purchases, services, hiring, and selling if the project is worth at and more than 10 million Kyat.

The Mon State Government Group rather than giving other companies the opportunity to participate in the tender, made the decision solely under the Chief Minister’s direction.

“This was the decision made by the cabinet. The plan to contract the 1000 million kyat project to U Sein Won’s SMD (Southern Myanmar Development) was presented. I suggested that this plan was not in accordance with the law. U Aung Kyaw Thu’s committee [Public Fund Inspection, Financial Project and Business Matters Review Committee) said that this is a business project. But for this development project, why must the government budget be spent to pave the road? This [project] should not be directly handed to the SMD. But there, the chief minister seemed to be angry with us. He said he would take responsibility for this matter and would explain it at the Hluttaw. After saying that, he went ahead and made the decision,” said U Min Htin Aung Han, PM from Mawlamyine Township Constituency (1).

When asked to address the tender regulation violations, Chief Minister Aye Zan indicated that the State Government did not require President Office approval.

“Regarding the finance for the country’s projects, the Union level departments must have the permission and agreement from the President Office and Pyidaungsu [union] government group. The state government and state level departments must have permission from the region and state government,” explained Chief Minister Dr. Aye Zan.

In addition, the Mon State Government Group’s decision was made under the false pretense that State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi “verbally” approved of the project. However, later, the Chief Minister admitted that he had not received State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s “verbal” approval, despite his previous claims during a parliament meeting that he had.

The controversy supports the Pyithu Hluttaw’s Government Guarantees, Pledges and Undertakings Review Committee’s claims that state and regional governments and ministries are not doing enough to in supporting the Hluttaw’s agenda. The Pyithu Hluttaw representative, Daw Aye Mya Mya Myo commented at the 14th day of regular session of 12th Pyithu Hluttaw conference on Monday that the state/region governments and ministries are very weak in implementing the Hluttaw’s standards.

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