Narinjara News

As the last date for registration by political parties with the Burmese Election Commission draws near, apprehension of strong action against...
A red alert has been sounded by Burmese military junta authorities, which has stepped up security measures in Buthidaung and Maungdaw Townships on...
Some people in Arakan state are not interested in the upcoming 2010 election, promised by the military regime.....
Paletwa: People living along the border in Paletwa Township in Chin State, Burma have been forced by Burmese Army authorities to look for...
U Than Maung, a member of the Taungup Township National League for Democracy (NLD) in Arakan State, was tortured by a law enforcement agency, after...
Teknaf - Local villagers demonstrated against the resettlement of Burmese Muslim refugees in third countries on Sunday outside the Kutupalong refugee...
Personnel of Nasaka, Burma's border security force, on security deployment on Shwezar Bridge in Maungdaw on the western Burma border, triggered...
Burmese Prime Minister and retired Lieutenant General Thein Sein yesterday registered the regime-backed Union Solidarity and Development Association...
USDA Township Committees across Arakan State have been scrapped by higher authorities after the organization converted to a political party to...
Bangladesh has not yet signed with two international oil companies on production sharing contracts to explore for gas in the Bay of Bengal, as the...
The membership cards issued by the Union Solidarity and Development Association cannot be used as a travel document by Muslim members as guaranteed...
Eighteen sex workers were produced by police on Friday in the Maungdaw court in western Burma. They were charged with anti-social activities a week...
Salt production in Arakan State is very high given the hot weather and low rainfall this summer, said a salt trader....
Over 300 housemaids staged a protest on Wednesday in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, by marching to a government administrative office to...
Thirty seven Burmese nationals were pushed back to Burma on 20 April by Bangladeshi border security force the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) after they...
