Narinjara News

Maungdaw: People are being forced to work at a government rubber plantation since 21 March, with promises of distributing land to them by the...
Minbya: A bamboo cutter in Minbya Township, Arakan State, lost an eye recently after being assaulted by soldiers at a toll gate opened illegally by...
Taungup: The Taungup Township NLD demanded on Saturday that the Burmese military regime allow Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to play a role and participate in...
Dhaka: The Bangladesh border security force, Bangladesh Rifles has for the last few months been using a new tactic against Muslim migrants from Burma...
Maungdaw: Two toll collectors from a model village in Maungdaw Township were hospitalized after irate villagers assaulted them when they attempted to...
Maungdaw: Burma's military junta during the weekend formed a township election commission comprising many government officials for the ensuing...
Maungdaw: Burmese border authorities have restricted the number of travelers allowed into Bangladesh on a seven day visa to 25 per day, through the...
Maungdaw: A high level team of officials in Arakan State's capital Sittwe came to Maungdaw yesterday to investigate allegations that the Maungdaw...
Kyauktaw: The Burmese military authorities have formed fire service brigades in central Arakan with the intent of mobilizing people to support the...
Dhaka: A monastery in Kyauktaw Township was set on fire after being bulldozed by Burma Army authorities because the abbot of the monastery was...
Cox's Bazaar: A boat sank in the Bay of Bengal on Monday leaving 115 migrants missing while five were rescued. The boat sank after taking on water,...
Dhaka: The Burmese ambassador to Bangladesh, U Nyan Lynn, has been visiting the Burma-Bangladesh border along with four other foreign diplomats since...
Cox's Bazaar: A family of four escaped to Bangladesh from Burma on Monday to apply for refugee status with the UNHCR after the Burmese military...
Dhaka: Bangladesh has become the prime transit route for trafficking heroin to Europe from Southeast Asia, according to a report from the...
Sittwe: An Arakanese historian and author was arrested by police earlier this week in Sittwe and released on the condition that he must come to the...
