Narinjara News

Monks and youths in Sittwe have embarked on a month long programme for Arakanese nationalist hero venerable Monk U Ottama from August 9 by...
Elderly political prisoner U Kyaw Khaing was moved on Sunday to Theyet Prison in Magwe Division from Thandwe prison in Arakan State, said a relative...
Nearly ten internet cafes that have recently opened Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, are having challenges staying afloat due to weak profits,...
An USDA card is more useful than national ID cards when traveling around Arakan State, and many youths in Arakan State have joined the USDA in order...
Funds to the tune of Kyat 1300 lakhs has been amassed by Saka Kha 15, known as Military Operation Planning Bureau 15, based in Buthidaung, 80 miles...
There has been a quantum leap in child labour in Arakan State after the state started facing severe economic crisis, said a social worker in Sittwe...
Six Arakanese youth from the Indo-Burma border area in southern Chin State were recruited by the Burmese army last week with food and other property...
The Burmese military junta authorities went into a huddle in meetings on Friday in several towns in Arakan state to tighten security in major towns,...
Torrential rain since July 29 has inundated several areas in Ann Township in Arakan State, said a local resident. “At least six places in Ann town...
In its biggest pull-out, the Bangladesh Army is withdrawing a brigade of its troops and 35 temporary camps from Chittagong Hill tracts, an...
Burmese migrant workers in Thailand and Malaysia have been facing many difficulties, including unemployment, due to a global economic crisis, but...
Tribal youths are being recruited by the Burmese Army on the Indo-Burma border from the southern part of Chin State by providing opportunities...
The prices of fertilizer in Arakan State fell during this year's paddy season, but Arakanese farmers are still unable to afford an adequate supply...
The Bangladesh government has banned refugees from an unofficial Burmese Muslim refugee camp from working outside the camp since 25 July, said a...
The prices of rice in Sittwe increased suddenly after the authority increased membership fees for rice traders in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State...
