Narinjara News

A government castor oil project, known as the General Than Shwe project to locals, has failed in Arakan State after many trees died from neglect,...
A 20-year-old student of Sittwe University in Arakan State was raped and killed by unknown assailants, said Ko Thu Ra, a third-year student from the...
An office of the Burmese military intelligence, Sarafa in Burmese, in Arakan State's Buthidaung Township was gutted in a fire that broke out in the...
Burma's Prime Minister, Lt. General Thein Sein, is reportedly visiting northern Arakan on March 16, although the reason for his trip remains unknown...
Two township-level National League for Democracy offices were opened on Thursday in Arakan State, while many others remain closed due to restrictions...
The National League for Democracy’s Arakan State's office was demolished by unidentified people just a day before it was to open, said U Thein Hlaing...
A man was killed and five others were seriously injured in a bus accident on 8 March, 2010 on the Sittwe -...
A Bangladesh court on Thursday sentenced 16 Bangladeshis to seven years in prison for smuggling fertilizer to Burma, reports our correspondent from...
The Burmese military regime on Wednesday issued new election laws, including regulations on political party registration, but Arakanese political...
The Burmese junta ordered riot police to adopt necessary security measures in western Burma's Arakan State when it publicized laws for the...
Fifty children have died of starvation in the last two months in unregistered refugee camps outside the official Kutupalong Burmese Muslim refugee...
A team of doctors have travelled to a village in southern Chin State to examine persons reportedly infected by the H1N1 virus, said a health worker...
Personnel of the Burmese border security force (Nasaka) intruded into Bangladesh territorial waters on Monday in two machine boats firing several...
A Nasaka commander on the western Burma border has been raking in over 10 million Kyat per month by illegally renting out mobile phones that are on...
Ponna Kyunt: Many acres of farmlands in several villages in Arakan State were confiscated by the Burmese Army recently for army families, said a...
