Narinjara News

The only motorable road connecting Bangladesh with the western border of Burma was blocked on Wednesday after heavy rains caused a landslide in the...
Members of Swan Ahr Shin, the police force, and the riot police have supported the anti-government movement led by monks in Sittwe because they are...
The second most powerful leader in the Burmese military junta hierarchy, Senior General Maung Aye, will arrive in Bangladesh on October 7 on a three-...
Sittwe: The Burmese military authorities forced two monks to return to their hometowns from monasteries in Sittwe because they were suspected of...
Over 200 prisoners have been released from Sittwe prison in the last two days, but many are army and police deserters, said a source close to the...
The International Burmese Monks' Organization (Bangladesh) staged a demonstration on Wednesday in front of the Burmese embassy in Dhaka demanding the...
Dhaka: China has agreed to help fund the construction costs of a large stretch of the Burma-Bangladesh Friendship Road, the Bangladesh Communication...
The Burmese military junta plans to build a trade centre in Maungdaw, a western border town, to boost trade with Bangladesh, said a businessman ...
Pro-democracy Burmese in exile, living in India, have appealed the neighbouring countries of Burma (Myanmar) to adopt a pro-active role so that the...
The Chin National Army ambushed a column of the Burmese Army on Tuesday on the Indo-Burma border when the Burmese soldiers were patrolling the area,...
Mray Bon: Shrimp farm owners in Mraybon Township in Arakan State are facing serious problems in continuing their business because many local agents...
Sittwe: Arakan's State capital Sittwe has become a major centre in the scheme of the Opposition's movement against the Burmese military junta due to...
Burmese military junta authorities on Sunday transferred five political prisoners on the Danyawaddy ferry ship from Sittwe to Buthidaung prison with...
The Burmese military junta authorities have allowed rice traders to transport rice from Burma proper to Arakan State fearing public unrest if the...
Hostel owners have been cautioned about political activities of students by the police chief of Arakan State. He summoned hostel owners in Sittwe to...
