Narinjara News

Cross-border travel between Burma and Bangladesh has been reopened on 28th of August after it was closed for about three months due to the violent...
The National Endowment for Democracy’s (NED) is to award its 2012 Democracy Award to five leading democratic activists from Burma honoring the...
The eldest brother of the village administrator of Thaychaung Village in Sittwe in Arakan State had to be hospitalized after he was beaten by...
A prominent Arakanese female leader, Saw Mra Raza Lin has returned to Burma on Monday after living in exile for 24 years.
Arakanese have recently formed a public committee in Rathedaung in Arakan State with fact-finding and presenting their voices in mind, to the central...
A trade fair with the aim of raising funds for the education of children from Arakan and Kachin states was held on the 25th of August in the Taw Win...
The Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) is still not allowed to open its liaison office in Kyauktaw in Arakan State after being given a government...
Local farmers from Kyaukpru in Arakan State have re-submitted their lawsuit against officials from the local land registration department, who...
63 Arakanese have been sentenced to six months in prison for breaking section 144. The law was imposed by the authority after sectarian violence took...
Three students who were arrested in Thandwe in Arakan State, allegedly for distributing anti-Muslim pamphlets in the area were produced in court on...
Some employees of the INGOs including UNHCR, who were arrested due to alleged involvement in June’s violent unrests in Arakan State, were released by...
Over 3000 Buddhists joined a prayer ceremony on Friday in Bandarban, a town in southern Chittagong Hill Tract in Bangladesh, aimed to prevent...
An armed terrorist group illegally entered Burma from Bangladesh and opened fire on local residents of Kalarchaung village in Rathidaung Township of...
Yangon: Over 100 Arakanese have held a demonstration protesting against the UN and INGOs on Sunday marching along the street in Rangoon holding...
18 Hindu families, comprising 98 people, were moved to a Hindu temple in Sittwe from a refugee camp on Wednesday in arrangement with the government.
