Narinjara News

The first conference of Rakhine Nationalities Development Party, the wining party of Arakan in 2010 general election, will be held in May 29, 2012.
The National League for Democracy has been opening village-level offices in Arakan State with an aim to educate the ideology of democracy to the...
The number of people leaving their homeland in Arakan is increasing by the day due to the economic crisis and job scarcity in the western Burmese...
A group of shopkeepers from Myoma Market, the largest market in Arakan State’s capital Sittwe, have flocked to the local municipal office to demand a...
The Burmese ministry of culture has reportedly included the ancient cities of Danyawady and Vesali in Arakan State in its official recognition of...
Burma, presently known as Myanmar, wants to share Bangladesh’s submarine cable to upgrade its countries cable networks, said Bangladesh’s high...
A farmer from Nipukhan Vilage in Rathidaung Township, who is going to court for alleged trespassing, said that farmers are still being oppressed...
The President of Burma U Thein Sein will visit Bangladesh in June, said the Burmese envoy to Bangladesh U Mai Lwin yesterday.
Sittwe: The villagers of Daungpraukkay Village in Sittwe Township in Arakan State have lodged a written complaint to the Chief Minister on 2nd of May...
The Danyawady Naval Regional Command Headquarters has passed an order to shoot and arrest any people or cattle, who or which traverses its...
Around 60 sellers from Nazi Market in Sittwe marched to Prime Minister U Hla Maung Tin’s house on Sunday morning and demanded he address the problems...
A delegation of Burmese members of parliament left for Germany on 5 May to study the country’s parliament.
Mrauk-U, the ancient capital city in northeastern Arakan State in Burma, is one of the most endangered cultural heritage sites in Asia, according to...
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her party the National League for Democracy has entered parliament, despite a disagreement over the oath of office to which...
Burma is the top weapons buyer among countries under arms embargoes around the world, according to a report of the Oxfam Aid Agency issued on...
