Narinjara News

In a bid to meet the demand for power in the country, Bangladesh is keen to set up a 1,000 MW nuclear power plant in the next decade, with potential...
A political party set up by former NLD members in Arakan State and favoured by the Burmese military junta has opened its main office in Sittwe, the...
Over 200 Burmese Army soldiers from two battalions assembled near the triangle border area of India, Burma, and Bangladesh last week to construct a...
The Burmese military authority has confiscated lands of farmers for a new railway route through Arakan State forcing some villagers to relocate to...
Cox’s Bazaar: Three Burmese soldiers arrested by Bangladeshi border forces were brought to army headquarters in Dhaka for interrogation about the...
U Tun Kyaw, Maungdaw: Burma’s border security forces, the Nasaka and police personnel deployed in the border areas of western Burma are being...
Maungdaw: A minimum of 11 Burmese Army battalions have been deployed along the Burmese border near Bangladesh to erect barbed-wire fences, said a...
Burmese traders and transporters on the western Burmese border are currently facing an increase in the number of tax collectors from multiple...
Two rebels with sophisticated firearms from an Arakanese insurgent group, were arrested yesterday, in a forest near the Bangladesh-Burma border by...
The UNHCR said on Thursday that it had decided to upgrade its program for Muslim minorities in Northern Arakan State in Burma, with immediate effect...
The situation political prisoners are in at the Buthidaung prison, 80 miles north of Arakan's state capital Sittwe, has been worsening by the day...
Many retired army officers who are Arakanese nationals were recently summoned by higher authorities to Naypyidaw to discuss the 2010 elections, said...
Bangladesh reopened its transit border port with Burma yesterday after it was closed for three days because of a mutiny that erupted in the...
The issue of Rohingya refugees has become a regional problem and any initiative in this regard will require following international refugee laws,...
An activist from Taungup, in Arakan, has been sentenced to five years in prison for having contacts with exiled Burmese media in Bangladesh,...
