Narinjara News

The military authority has deployed many additional police forces at every intersection throughout Sittwe to prevent any incidents during the 70th...
Six Arakanese university students, some recently graduated, have been missing since they were arrested by police in Rangoon, the former capital of...
The Burmese military junta has established five artillery battalions in Arakan State in 2009, said a source close to the military in Arakan. The five...
The examination of the Indian government's witnesses in the trial of 34 Arakanese and Karen freedom fighters came to a close on 2 September after the...
Ruined notes of Burmese currency in small denominations are being used by people in Arakan State despite that the government authority announced last...
More constables are being inducted by the riot police for deployment in western Burma’s Arakan state to thwart possible public unrest before and...
The Burmese army has ordered the ward councils in Buthidaung, 80 miles north of Sittwe, to collect 25 people aged 18 to 35 from their respective...
The Arakan State veteran organization will hold an important meeting in Ann Town on 8 September to select a candidate to run in the 2010 election,...
The victims of a tornado that hit an Arakanese village have not yet received any relief aid from the government authority, even though many houses...
Two foreign firms - Conoco Philips and Tullow Bangladesh - will explore for gas in the deep sea in Bangladesh near disputed waters between Burma and...
The Chairman of the Arakan State Peace and Development Council, General Thaung Aye, arrived on Monday in Taungup a day after unidentified democratic...
Three children died with dengue fever in Arakan State within the first week of August, according to a report of the journal Weekly Eleven. Among the...
Unknown democratic activists in Taungup of Arakan State started distributing posters and pamphlets calling for the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi...
Authorities in Arakan State have been collecting family lists in Maungdaw Township but no one yet knows the reason, said one resident. "The authority...
A traditional drummer in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, has gone missing after being arrested by police on 11 August, 2009, said a relative...
