NLD to continue fight even after it is abolished: DASSK

NLD to continue fight even after it is abolished: DASSK
by -
Nava Thakuria
For Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the participation of her party in the election under the unjust rules of the Burmese junta is not the ultimate goal. At the same time, the forthcoming Burmese polls will also not indicate the end of National League....

For Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the participation of her party in the election under the unjust rules of the Burmese junta is not the ultimate goal. At the same time, the forthcoming Burmese polls will also not indicate the end of National League for Democracy.

Rather, the Burmese democracy icon Suu Kyi believes that NLD will be able to continue its fight for democracy even if it is abolished as a political party in the military ruled country.

The Nobel laureate, while talking to U Nyan Win, chief spokesman of NLD recently at her residence in Rangoon, also reiterated that she would continue to strive for democracy in Burma for hundreds of thousands of Burmese living inside and outside the country.

It may be recalled that following her strong views on the electoral laws of the military junta, the central committee of NLD had decided on March 29 not to register as a political party with the Burmese Election Commission.

U Nyan Win, who was briefed by Suu Kyi on the electoral laws, also informed the meeting held in Rangoon that DASSK ‘would never accept the 2008 State Constitution of the military government’ and would stick to the Shwegonedine Declaration, which was issued by the NLD on April 29 last year.

The declaration called on the State Peace and Development Council to release all political prisoners and conduct meaningful dialogue with all stake holders including the leaders of the ethnic nationalities, and also review the 2008 State Constitution.

The NLD general secretary, who is under detention for many years now, also asserted that she ‘would never accept the political party registration law and election laws promulgated by the military junta’.

The NLD central committee meeting, at the party head office in Rangoon, was attended by 113 important members from all over Burma. In another resolution, the NLD had called on the Than Shwe led SPDC to release all political prisoners including Suu Kyi immediately.

The meeting was chaired by NLD vice-president U Tin Oo, who later informed media persons that they would ‘not abolish the NLD’ and it ‘will continue to work peacefully towards the democratic goal with the strength of the entire people and ethnic national races’ even after the NLD might not continue to be a political party.

“Now the military government can do as they like. They can arrest all of us and do whatever they like. We are ready for all kinds of persecution and intimidation,” U Tin Oo said.