Burmese PM to visit northern Arakan

Burmese PM to visit northern Arakan
Burma's Prime Minister, Lt. General Thein Sein, is reportedly visiting northern Arakan on March 16, although the reason for his trip remains unknown,...

Burma's Prime Minister, Lt. General Thein Sein, is reportedly visiting northern Arakan on March 16, although the reason for his trip remains unknown, said a government official on condition of anonymity.

However, local people believe the Prime Minister's visit is related to the forthcoming elections.

"We do not know why he is coming to our town but I am sure he will meet army officials and families in Buthidaung cantonment, as well as other government officials during his visit," the official said.

Authorities are now preparing for his visit in two western border towns - Buthidaung and Maungdaw - where the population is predominately Muslim.

"He will arrive in Buthidaung on  March 16 by helicopter. We are preparing everything in our town for his tour. After Buthidaung, he is likely to visit Maungdaw on the western Burma border," he said.

According to local sources, higher authorities in Maungdaw are now preparing the helipad for the PM's helicopter, while also beefing up security in the two townships with additional soldiers and police forces.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan, today. Later he is expected to visit several towns throughout Arakan State, including Buthidaung and Maungdaw.

Former ousted Prime Minister Lt. General Khin Nyunt visited Arakan State several times a year, but the current Premier rarely visits.

Many Arakanese are reportedly interested in the PM’s visit to Arakan because it is a very crucial time in Burma with the elections this year.