Nasaka seizes timber boat in Bangladesh territorial waters

Nasaka seizes timber boat in Bangladesh territorial waters
Personnel of the Burmese border security force (Nasaka) intruded into Bangladesh territorial waters on Monday in two machine boats firing several rounds at a Burmese timber laden ...

Teknaf: Personnel of the Burmese border security force (Nasaka) intruded into Bangladesh territorial waters on Monday in two machine boats firing several rounds at a Burmese timber laden boat they were chasing, said a businessman on the border.

"Two Nasaka boats dragged a Burmese timber smuggling cargo boat to the Burmese side from Bangladesh waters after intruding into Bangladesh territory, while firing. The boatmen managed to escape arrest by jumping into the water,” he said.

The incident occurred near Sahaporirdip Island in the mouth of the Naff River around 1 p.m.

"The Bangladesh border security force, Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) was aware of the incident but ignored it to avoid confrontation with Burmese Nasaka forces. So, the Nasaka officers easily dragged the timber boat from Bangladesh waters to Makyi Chaung Nasaka outpost in southern Maungdaw Township," he said.

The boat carried 50 tons of timber from Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, to be sold illegally in Bangladesh markets. There were eight timber traders and boatmen on the vessel.

"The eight timber traders and boatmen hid on the island and are returning to Burma in another motor boat," the source added.

Many businessmen in Arakan State export timber to Bangladesh illegally via sea routes because timber prices in Bangladesh are much higher than in Burma.

Nasaka collects toll from timber boats when it crosses the Naff River from Burma into Bangladesh, and if the boatmen refuse or attempt to avoid paying the toll, they fire on the vessel and capture it, as in this instance.

According to a local source, Nasaka forces on the western Burma border occasionally intrude into Bangladesh waters without a care when they need to, and sometimes abduct Bangladesh fishermen and take them into custody in Burma for ransom.