No Government Relief for Storm Victims

No Government Relief for Storm Victims
The victims of a tornado that hit an Arakanese village have not yet received any relief aid from the government authority, even though many houses were severely damaged in the storm that took place a month ago ...

Rathidaung: The victims of a tornado that hit an Arakanese village have not yet received any relief aid from the government authority, even though many houses were severely damaged in the storm that took place a month ago, said one villager.

"The chairman of Rathidaung Township, U Aung Myo Myint, along with other officials came to our village to inspect the area soon after the tornado slashed our village. He promised to provide us with relief, but there has been no aid for us from the government so far," he said.

The village of Ali Chaung under Net Chaung Village Tract in Rathidaung Township was hit by a tornado on 25 July. Nearly 70 of the 80 houses in the village were severely damaged.

"We had never seen a tornado in our area and it was the first time we had seen this. Ten people were injured and among them were one child and one elderly man who were critically injured. Many small houses were blown away by the tornado,” the villager added.

Officials from the local UNHCR office came to the village to provide food and other necessities to the victims soon after the storm occurred.

"Most villagers are homeless. So the UNHCR provided a rice bag, two cooking pots, a plastic sheet and clothes to each family that was affected in the village. But the government relief is not there," he said.

A witness who visited the village said that most of the villagers in the village have been unable to rebuild their damaged homes due to lack of money. Some families are still living on the ground floor of the village monastery.

"I think they still need aid from both government and local NGOs. Without aid the villagers can not build their houses and it is difficult to achieve a normal life," the witness said.

In Arakan State, the government typically fails to provide such disaster relief aid, despite that the Burmese government has a disaster and food ministry devoted to responding to natural disasters such as this.

An elder from Rathidaung said, "In Arakan State, the storm or cyclone usually attacks during the rainy season, but tornados are very rare. This is the first time a tornado has struck this township in 20 years."

A tornado also hit Gwa Township in southern Arakan State on 25 August, sinking one fishing boat and killing five people.

On 29 August, a ferry boat in Ann Township was sunk by a tornado and the operator, Ko Saw Shwe Maung, died in the accident.