Saka Kha 15 amasses huge funds

Saka Kha 15 amasses huge funds
Funds to the tune of Kyat 1300 lakhs has been amassed by Saka Kha 15, known as Military Operation Planning Bureau 15, based in Buthidaung, 80 miles north of Sittwe, the capital of Arakan state ...

Buthidaung: Funds to the tune of Kyat 1300 lakhs has been amassed by Saka Kha 15, known as Military Operation Planning Bureau 15, based in Buthidaung, 80 miles north of Sittwe, the capital of Arakan state, according to a financial report of the military bureau.

A senior clerk working in the financial unit in the Bureau said that the amount deposited by Saka Kha 15 in the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd (UMEHL), also known in Burmese as U Pai, is Kyat 53,579,000.

About Kyat 77,550,000 is currently invested by Saka Kha 15 in many business ventures in Arakan state.

“The financial statement has been rounded off till June 30, 2009 and the Saka Kha 15 has a total of Kyat 13,112, 90,000 as funds right now,” the clerk said.

A bank manager in Sittwe confirmed that all army battalions stationed in Arakan state have to deposit at least Kyat 10 million at the UMEHL bank. This is on the orders of the Burmese Army brass.
The battalion LIB 550 based in Ponn kyunt town has deposited Kyat 55,160,000 at UMEHL bank. However, the funds of the battalion are lower than other battalions in Arakan state.

According to local sources, the Saka Kha 15 is involved in many business sectors in Arakan state for the past 15 years. Saka Kha 15’s business ventures include, timber production, transportation, brick making, shrimp husbandry and agriculture.

Saka Kha made major profits from over 2000 acres of farmlands, which were confiscated form local Arakanese farmers, by renting it out to local farmers annually.

A businessman in Buthidaung said, the Saka Kha gets a lot of money from local businessmen by issuing business contracts and license. Local businessmen have to give a large amount of money to Saka Kha for business contracts.

If a businessman wants to set up a brick kiln, he has to pay a large amount of money to Saka kha 15 for a license.

Businessmen in Buthidaung and Maungdaw areas cannot run their business in a hassle free manner without the permission of the Saka Kha 15, he said.

A large amount of funds were amassed by Burmese military battalions after the battalions were stationed in Arakan state. Because of this Arakanese people are becoming poorer by the day because the capital is not with Arakanese businessmen.