Five Swine Flu suspects on Indo-Burma border

Five Swine Flu suspects on Indo-Burma border
by -
Tun Kyaw
Five villagers on the Indo-Burma border are suspected to be suffering from Swine Flu. The five are from Maratewa, of Paletwa sub-division in Chin State, Burma contiguous to the Indian state of Mizoram...

Bandraban: Five villagers on the Indo-Burma border are suspected to be suffering from Swine Flu. The five are from Maratewa, of Paletwa sub-division in Chin State, Burma contiguous to the Indian state of Mizoram. They have symptoms indicative of the deadly flu that is running noses. Their snivel was sent to the laboratory for tests, a source said.

“The snivel of the five suspected to be suffering from Swine Flu were sent to the laboratory to be tested,” said a health staff on condition of anonymity.

Besides, “over 60 persons are ill, 22 of them are suffering from Malaria. Among them five are in a critical condition and are suspected to be suffering from Swine Flu. Their snivel was sent to the laboratory to be tested. They are mostly children,” he added.

As the infection seems to be spreading in the area, Dr. Than Htay along with health workers were instructed to look after the patients, including suspects, who may be suffering from Swine Flu.

The Burmese Army authorities have banned villagers living in both territories of Burma and India from travelling across the border, as of last week, because an adult and six children in two villages on Indian territory died from an unidentified disease.

The unidentified diseases broke out in the area close to the tri-junction of India, Bangladeshand Burma. An Indian highway leading to Sittwe seaport in Arakan State, Burma is being built in the area.

India detected four more cases of the deadly influenza A (H1N1) virus on Thursday, taking the total number of cases to 120, health officials said. A Swine Flu patient in India has died, health officials confirmed on Thursday.

Bangladesh confirmed seven more cases of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus in the last two days, taking the total cases to 16, health officials said.